Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for quick answers for your SEO related questions? Check out below our FAQ with tons of useful information about SEO.

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SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, a practice that consists of optimizing websites and content to increase its rankings and thus organic traffic, having the search engines’ ranking factors in mind.

SEO tools help SEO professionals to audit, follow up and optimize websites in accordance with the search engines’ guidelines. There are hundreds of great SEO tools available online, some of which are free to use! They can analyze backlinks, on-page or technical issues by crawling the websites and/or using their own database.

SEO services are services that are designed to satisfy the marketing needs in different niche sectors and situations. Because each brand is different, they need distinct Search Engine Optimization services.

Some examples of SEO services are On-Page SEO, Local SEO, Google Penalty Recovery and Link Building.

SEO citations are online references to your brand name, address and phone number (also known as NAP). Google uses them to evaluate your domain authority as well as your local visibility. Citations differ from links because they are not necessarily linked to your website.

SEO tactics or techniques are processes used to optimize businesses having in mind the search engines’ ranking factors. Different brands require different SEO tactics, as they have different KPIs, target-audiences and distinguishable characteristics. Those SEO tactics can focus on content, technical optimizations, CRO (Click Rate Optimization) and/or link building.

Some say that SEO started in 1991, with the launch of the first website, or in 1997, with the first search engine web.

In the 2000s, Google’s PageRank algorithm and web crawlers revolutionized the way search engines work and gave further meaning to SEO.

SEO is essential to every business with an online presence. So if your brand has a website and you want to get better positioned in the SERPs to increase your organic traffic, this is a good time to start using SEO strategies.

Any website should be SEO optimized before its launch in order for the search engines to understand its content and rank it for the relevant keywords.

The outcome of SEO techniques is not necessarily immediate. Search Engines might need time to crawl, interpret and rank again a website that is working on its SEO.  SEO delivers long-term results. Many times, there has to be a process of trial and error in order to achieve the right strategy and organic results for each brand.

Auditing your website to identify potential issues and betterment opportunities is the first step and beginning of any SEO strategy.

These SEO audits are usually:

  • Keywords audit
  • Technical audit
  • Content audit
  • Linking audit (internal and backlink)

If you’re not sure of how to do this, feel free to ask us for a complete and free SEO analysis.

The SEO keywords for each page should be present in your content and meta-data. This includes title and sub-titles, meta-description, URL and ALT tags for images. However, don’t over-optimize: It is important to avoid keyword stuffing.

Nowadays, it is also irrelevant for ranking purposes to use the Meta-Keywords.

There are multiple quality online resources to learn about SEO – most of them are free. On our SEO Blog, you can find useful articles about several SEO topics. We also recommend websites such as Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, MOZ, Backlinko or Neil Patel.

SEO works in several ways, depending of the business in question. SEO strategies aim to drive organic traffic to websites through different techniques, such as Link Building, On-Page SEO, Content Marketing and other types of optimizations that will help websites to rank higher in the Search Engines Result Pages (SERP).

By combining an SEO strategy with PPC advertising, you can manage to increase your presence and visibility in the search engines. You will more likely get clicks because your brand will be dominating the results both through search and ads.

SEO will help your business by improving your position (rankings) in the search engines’ result pages and thus managing to get more visibility for your website.

This way, you will be able to get more quality users visiting your website and increase the number of conversions/sales.

SEO is done by using several techniques such as On-Page and Off-Page SEO practices that aim to optimize your website in order to improve its position in the search engines’ rankings.

SEO techniques aim to make so that Google considers your website a good one (qualitative and trustworthy) for its algorithm to position it well in the SERPs, getting you more visibility and more organic visitors.

SEO works differently with Bing than it works with Google, as there are some technical differences.

For instance, Bing can crawl and understand multimedia content while Google relies deeply on written content. Meta keywords also work differently with both search engines, as meta keywords are dead for Google and are still of importance for Bing.

There are several differences in what concerns SEO Yandex rather than for Google. For instance, Yandex highly prioritizes geo-targeting, it also takes more time to optimize content for it, as the crawlers work more slowly, and it gives more importance to user behavior than to links for commercial queries.

SEO has changed significantly since its early days. Some of the most important Google algorithm updates you might want to look into are Panda, Penguin, Pirate, Pigeon, Page Layout and Hummingbird. SEO is now about User Intent, User Experience, user interactions, quality content, loading speed (especially on mobile) and natural backlink profile.

Here are some of the characteristics that make your website SEO friendly: Meaningful structure; quality and original content; satisfying loading speed; optimized images; acceptable keyword density; unique meta for all the pages; well-formatted URLs.

If you want to know how is your website SEO friendly, free to ask us for a complete and free SEO analysis.

SEO strategies use different techniques to drive quality organic traffic to website and increase their position in the SERPs. This usually passes by an Outbound Content Marketing strategy and a full optimization of your website.

Yes, you can! All the necessary information about SEO are widely available online. However, since this is an ever-changing area it is very time-consuming as you will need to read a lot about it. If you are serious about getting organic results for your brand, we strongly recommend that you work with a specialized SEO agency.

Yes, it can. Automated SEO consists of using specialized automated software to set up or implement SEO strategies. It is a more economic option time and money-wise.

However, manual SEO performed by professionals grants more control over the strategies and techniques. Giving a “human” touch doing SEO is very important especially when talking about building relationships with websites’ owners and webmasters.

Essentially, because it is valuable. In nowadays’ extremely competitive market, SEO can make it or break it for any business with a digital presence.

When you pay for SEO services, you are paying for the years of experience, expertise and devotion (time consumption) that a qualified SEO professional will give to your website or brand.

You need SEO because today’s market is mostly digital. Thus, having online visibility and presence on the web is crucial for any digital business’ success. With the existing online competition, SEO is not an option anymore, it is a mandatory process for any website.

As marketers often say: “if a business doesn’t appear on Google’s first results page, then it doesn’t exist at all.”

SEO is important because it is crucial for every brand with an online presence to be seen and to get visibility on the web for its target audience resulting in quality users. Websites need to stand out compared to their competition to gain advantages in their rankings.

SEO is important for small businesses because it helps them creating quality websites, attract organic visitors and increase conversion rates. SEO works very well in specific niches and helping small businesses getting higher online visibility.

One of the main reasons why SEO takes time is competition. When several brands are trying to rank first for the same type of business, it may take a while until you surpass the competitors that have been ranking for more time.

SEO matters because helps brands to use their full potential to get the best results possible. Besides this, it also contributes to helping Google drive users to find exactly what they are looking for online.

SEO is required for any business with an online presence because it is the main practice to drive quality organic traffic to a website and therefore increase conversions.

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