SEO Audits

SEO Audits and Digital Consulting

We do audits and provide the necessary recommendations for your SEO strategy. Our Digital Consulting work is based on the current evaluation of your website as well as current rankings.

SEO Audits

Our SEO Audits Services

SEO Audits and Consulting main goal is to analyze the current situation of your site through the creation of multiple audits (keywords, competition and technical) in order to define a personalized SEO strategy that focuses on driving your business goals. The audits help you define precisely your niche environment (and its opportunities) as well as your internal situation. It allows you to have a clear picture and to receive all the necessary tools and recommendations to increase your traffic volume, efficiency, boosting your revenues, reducing cost and focus on your customers for your overall company success.

The main audits performed for a complete SEO audit are the following:

  • Keyword Audit
  • Technical Audit
  • Content Audit
  • Competition Auditing
  • Backlinks Profile Audit

What is a Keyword Audit?

The keyword audit is the starting point of any digital marketing campaign, since it allows us to understand which keywords are being used by your target audience on Google. It will also enable us to identify and discover some new keywords opportunity based on monthly searches, competition as well as average CPC (Cost Per Click) in Adwords. From here we’ll align the strategy as well as your online content around those keywords in order to drive relevant traffic to the website.

Why is a Keyword Audit needed for your website?

A rigorous keyword audit before any update on your website is a necessary step. It will enable you to discover the keywords your target audience uses when they are searching for a product or service like yours.

It is also important to understand where in the “customer buying cycle” your potential clients are situated when browsing your website. This keyword audit will identify if the different pages of your site cover all of those steps and analyzes if you need to have them optimized for the keywords they are searched for.

Search Engines crawlers are analyzing all pages of your web site and put them in context. So, it is very essential to audit, analyze and then optimize your pages for more descriptive and targeted keywords, in this way search engines will find out that your website is relevant to the keywords that users are searching for and thus rank you better for those specific and relevant keywords for your company.

How we proceed to create a Keyword Audit?

The keyword audit is the starting point of any digital marketing campaign, since it allows us to understand which keywords are being used by your target audience on Google to get to the current Generali’s websites. It will also enable us to identify and discover some new keywords opportunities based on monthly searches, competition as well as average CPC in Google Ads. From here we’ll align the strategy around those keywords in order to drive relevant traffic to the website.

  • First and most importantly, understand your business (what product/service do you sell, what makes your brand unique).
  • Understand how your potential customers and target audience that are searching for product/services like the ones you are selling (the keywords they use can be different than the ones you think they do).
  • Identify new keywords opportunities based on researches we will execute in your business niche.
  • Select the most valuables keywords for each page on your website based on their relevance, potential and competition.
  • Optimize your pages with the selected keywords or make the necessary recommendations via a detailed report.

What is a Competitor Audit?

One of the most important steps for any SEO strategy is the initial competitive analysis. This process should correctly identify your SEO targets and provide fundamental input to establish your overall SEO strategy. It is a deep analysis of your direct competitors using different technical tools and considering multiple markups and KPIs to compare and assess the difficulties and opportunities of your niche.

Why do you need a Competitor Audit?

An extensive competitor audit will help us understand how your direct competitors are working on their SEO Strategy. It will enable us to evaluate the feasibility and potential of specific keywords depending on the work and strategy done by your competitors.

It will also help in our link building strategy by identifying your competitors’ link profile in order to find some new opportunities.

This step is essential and key to your success when battling for the first page and rankings in Google against your competitors. It will guide us on where to decide to focus our efforts to get the fastest results possible considering what are your competitors doing in the niche.

How do we create a Competitor Audit?

We will consider and analyze the following data of your main competitors:

  • Backlink profile: In-depth analysis of your competitors’ outbound links.
  • Referring Domains (.org, .com, .gov, etc.).
  • Keywords your competitors are ranking for.
  • Anchor texts used and their diversity.
  • Link Analysis and distribution.
  • Social signals.
  • Domain Authority and Trust.

We will then create a detailed report to be able to share insights as well as recommendations in order for you to decide with all the required information in hand the next steps to follow.

Technical Audit

What is a Technical SEO Audit?

Technical Audit refers to a checkup of all the technical setups and requirements stated by the main search engines for your website to be well referenced. In this case, we will do a deep analysis of all the technical aspects of your website. This includes the verification and recommendations of your website’s coding as well as all the other necessary technical implementations. The Technical Audit is aiming to analyze and prepare your website to be technically prepared for the search engines as they will be crawling your site to understand its content and rank it accordingly.

Why does your website need a Technical SEO Audit?

Auditing your site for any flaws in the coding and technical implementation is highly recommended. If you have the feeling that the organic performance of your site is holding back, it will help to determine the source of the technical issue.

For any given website, it is key to analyze and evaluate the technical SEO to make sure that all the main rules and best practices are respected for the search engines to consider your site valid and authoritative.

How do we setup a Technical SEO Audit?

Using our dedicated tools and our experienced team of technical experts, we will analyze all the following aspects of your website:

  • Website’s URL and site architecture.
  • Calculate your website speed.
  • Analyze the Mobile version of your site (responsive).
  • Report of any redirects or pages not found (error 404).
  • Check and report duplicate content.
  • Analyze of existing structured data (
  • Verification of textual content organization and hierarchy.
  • Verification of the existence of sitemap, robots.txt, htaccess, etc.
  • Verification of the crawling status of your website on the main search engines

Based all this main points (and much more) we will create a detailed technical report with a step by step guide on how to resolve the issues we identified during the technical audit of your website.

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