After an extremely successful event in 2018, iGB Affiliate Conference returned to Lisbon for this year’s edition of the iGaming gathering. UniK SEO participated in the event and our Business Director, Grégoire Lacan, hosted a talk about Google Algorithm Updates: All We Hear is Radio Google. In this post, we cover the main topics discussed in the presentation. At the end of the page, you may find the Complete Presentation PDF for Free Download.
Why do you really need to read this article? Truth is that managing a business through the intricacies of Google’s Algorithm Updates is not an easy task – not even for the best players in the industry. Being prepared to adapt your strategies quickly is a matter of organization, knowledge and experience. In fact, being able to follow Google’s rules up close is a crucial part of any SEO strategy and a priority for every SEO professional.
All We Hear is Radio Google: Understanding Google Algorithm Updates
Understanding Google and its algorithm updates is, without a doubt, of uttermost importance for every SEO professional – after all, it’s our job to work with Google. However, for less involved business owners or non-specialized marketers, it may seem difficult to keep up with all the updates to the algorithm that rules the web. Read on to get to know algorithm updates better and understand where your strategy should be aiming.
What is an Algorithm Update?
Even though we don’t always notice, the truth is that Google changes its ranking algorithm almost daily.
To understand algorithm updates, the first step is to understand Google itself. Even as a user-oriented entity that aims to “organize the internet”, Google still needs to make money. Updates are Google’s way of managing the internet community in order to better serve all these goals.
Algorithms help Search Engines to measure the relevance and quality of websites, allowing them to build the ranking in the search results pages in a way that privileges their purposes.
In its early years, Google only made a handful of yearly updates to its algorithm. As the digital era evolved, nowadays there are minor changes done every day – most of which are unannounced and even go unnoticed – and a few more significant updates, implemented less frequently. So, basically, now there are thousands of changes every year – 2 to 3 per day. How crazy is it to keep up with all of that?
How to be Prepared for a Google Update
However challenging the Google algorithm updates sound to you at this point, there are ways to make the best use of them, and even to use them in your advantage, surpassing your competitors.
There is no doubt that Google algorithm updates are becoming more ubiquitous. In times like these, it is key to stay white-hat, informed and reactive with your SEO, Grégoire reinforced.
In short, our speaker presented these as the main topics to pay attention to:
- Don’t lay back and relax: no matter how good your SEO is right now, you are not safe.
- Always invest in creating great content: As it is common to say, content is king. Always prioritize user experience, as Google considers it one of the main factors to rank your website. In fact, most updates are released having in mind the improvement of the UX.
- Build natural backlinks, as these are key to drive quality organic traffic to your website.
- Perform regular audits on your website. It is crucial to be aware of your website’s SEO state, especially since it can suddenly change with Google Algorithm Updates.
- Read as much as you virtually can: It is key to be informed about SEO history, present situation and future predictions. The best advice we can give you is to pay attention to SEO blogs, newsletters, online communities and social media groups.
Download your Free PDF
As usual, we are making the PDF from Gregóire’s presentation available for free. Download it for more insight on the topics presented by our Business Manager at his talk in iGB Lisbon 2019.
In the PDF, you can find summarized information about the most impactful algorithm updates, updates regarding iGaming and, most importantly, more tips to prepare your website!
In case you have any questions, please feel free to contact UniK SEO. We would be happy to clarify your doubts.